Goal-Setting for Kids.

The one thing I love about snow days is being stuck in the house with the kiddos. I can basically imprison them into doing whatever needs to be done without the guilt of knowing they could be doing 'better' things outside and on extracurricular activities. Today was one of those days in Oklahoma. It had been on my mind for quite some time to review our goals' list. Every year, we aim to create new personal, business, and health goals. Last year, it seemed as though we were more on top of things creating vision boards with magazine clippings in early January. And with Kobe's busy tennis schedule and home-schooling, somehow our 2018 Goals' list kept getting pushed forward. So today, the boys, Cane, and I printed out some worksheets titled My Goal Think Sheet and handed each of the boys one. (the link will be in comments to print out yourself or email me at marynhin@gmail.com with subject line My Goal Think Sheet and I'll send you a pdf) We began by brainstorming with 5 index cards each and asked each boy to write down a long-term goal on each index card. From the 5, they were to choose one to add to our family's bucket list. The one Big Goal they chose, they to elaborate on it on their 'My Big Goal Think Sheet'. The exercise allows us to think about these questions and how to achieve it:
-What’s something you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?
-What is the purpose of the goal? Is it to help yourself or others? Goals that are transcendent are longer-lasting.
-Break the BIG GOAL into smaller steps. Draw a ladder to work backwards to achieve the big goal by setting up smaller ones.
- Brainstorm potential obstacles (negative self- talk, wanting to give up when it gets hard)
Research shows that people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve it. Those odds greatly increase for those who review their goals regularly. We also discussed what to do when you want to give up and came up with thee ideas:
a. reread your goals purpose
b. celebrate every small step achieved
c. focus on how you can continue improving
e. use positive self-talk

My Big Goal Think Sheet
1. What’s something you wish you could achieve? What’s something you would do if you knew you couldn't fail? What’s a challenge you would feel very proud to overcome? Make sure the goal is specific, measurable, and trackable. For instance, avoid vague goals like, “I’ll pay more attention in class this year.” There’s no clear way to know when or if this goal has been achieved. Here are examples of measurable goals which are much more effective: “I’ll take daily notes this year and review them each week.” “I’ll score ten points higher in math this year."
2. What is the purpose of the goal? Is it to help yourself or others? Goals that are transcendent are longer-lasting.

2. What is the purpose of the goal? Is it to help yourself or others? Goals that are transcendent are longer-lasting.
3. Break the BIG GOAL into smaller steps. Draw a ladder to work backwards to achieve the big goal by setting up smaller ones.
4. Brainstorm potential obstacles (negative self- talk, wanting to give up when it gets hard)
*****Write down your goals. people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve it. Those odds greatly increase for those who review their goals regularly.
If you want to give up,
a. reread your purpose
b. celebrate every small step achieved
c. focus on how you can continue improving
e. use positive self-talk